• Gardens,  Photography

    Something New

    I was surprised on the last day of work before my Christmas vacation with a gift from the Associate Director of Grounds at work….an aeonium. Aeoniums are one of the most ornamental of all the succulents.  This one is just a baby….but it has already begun it’s upward growth.  As it grows, the beautiful crown will sit upon a large, thick stalk.  They are quite graceful looking.

  • Gardens

    Dream Realized

    Last fall, I would pass by this house in Colonial Williamsburg that had a fence covered with morning glory flowers and vines….it was beautiful.  The big, blue flowers would greet me every day before work.  I decided I wanted to plant morning glories so they would grow over my fence by my front door and greet me each morning when I walked out.  Dream realized……..

  • Gardens


    I love this plant….so full, so lush and green. And the flowers make me smile. This is what the drought has done to it. I came home from work recently…it was wilted and withered from the heat. I watered but it wasn’t time to save the leaves that were on it ~ they shriveled and died. The plant seems to be surviving and perhaps even coming back. I’m officially not a fan of droughts.    

  • Gardens,  Life In General

    Why I Love My Rain Barrel

    My name is Debbie ~ and I’m a sucker for suffering, drought stricken plants.  I had made a decision last night after yet another afternoon of watching the Weather Channel and witnessing the big, green blog which typically indicates rain on the weather map disintegrate as soon as it got to my area.  Yet another afternoon of no rain.  I discovered this past weekend that we are in the grips of a moderate drought but they assured us that would be relieved to a degree after a Saturday of soaking rains.  Well, the soaking rains went everywhere but here.  We barely got a shower.  So I made a decision….I had to let…

  • Gardens

    Bumbly Bees & Sunflowers

    I love sunflowers.  I love watching them as they grow from alien looking buds to big, beautiful yellow flowers.  I baby them as they grow….keeping the area around the roots weed free….making sure they have enough water.  Our drought has been hard on them this year but they seem to be doing alright.  Maybe not as large as last year, but doing well all the same. This is my second year growing sunflowers.  Last year I discovered The Great Sunflower Project.  A project led by Gretchen LeBuhn, an associate professor at San Francisco State University, they are looking at bee populations.  From their site ~ What scientists had not studied on a large…