Outside My Window

Outside My Window ~ 12.30.2012

outside my window winter 2012

Outside my window…is a cold and blustery day.  There is sunshine….there is blue skies…but there is also northwest winds blowing at 23 mph.  It is about 3:00 in the afternoon and our current temperature is at 46°F…factor in the wind and it feels like 38°F.  A bit brisk outside.  We had quite a bit of rain the day after Christmas and again yesterday but today has been dry, humidity is even quite low at 33%.  We are forecast to dip down to 29°F this evening….might be a good night for a fire.

I am thinking…about so many things recently….the events of the past year…what the new year will bring.

I am glad…I still have several days left of my time off before I have to go back to work.  I won’t go back to work until January 3rd….back to the routine of early to rise and dealing with traffic along with mountains of paperwork.  Sigh.

I am going…to make some vanilla extract in the next day or two….and some Shea butter soap.  If I can get everything together while I’m making both, I will post “how to’s” on the blog soon.

From my kitchen…is a recipe I tried while I was on vacation for Chicken Cordon Bleu.  It was quite tasty so I thought I would share it with you.  I think next time I make this I will add some white cooking wine.  If I like the results, I will update this recipe and post on the blog.  If you would like to check it out, click here for a printable copy.

I am currently working on…some photo calendars for past clients and the new free desktop calendars for January 2013.  Check back on the first for the download link.

I am hoping…that all of you have a very safe and Happy New Year!  🙂

I am hearing…the ticking of my many clocks….my wind chimes singing lovely songs to me….an episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on television.

A recap of last week…included my Christmas wish for this year….and a tasty recipe for White Hot Chocolate ~ a delicious and nice change from the traditional hot chocolate.

Plans for the week include…enjoying the next three days off….back to work on Thursday for two days and then the weekend.

One of life’s little pleasures…looking forward to the fresh start a new year can bring.

From my camera…a shot of the December full moon….

 new year rebirth

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